Beatrice Federici

Professional RPA developer and self-taught Web Developer and data scientist

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About me

Hello, I'm Beatrice Federici, an RPA developer with a Masters in Mathematics based in England. I have developed many enterprise-grade automation solutions to streamline business processes. I have a passion for learning and open source projects. Keen on constantly improving myself, I am also self taught web developer and data scientist. C#, python, SQL and a bit of javascript and SQL are my tools of choice, though I am always looking for opportunities to grow and learn new skills as a developer.

Beatrice Federici headhsot

Laguages and Tools

docker gcp heroku mysql pandas python scikit_learn seaborn flask c# uipath bootstrap tensorflow Jupyter Notebooks Latex MongoDb MatLab


UK plant foraging API

A REST API that you can use to obtain information about wild edible plants of the UK.

Flask based web scraper

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A web scraper that scrapes for URLs for specific html tags you insert

Tkinter Weather App

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An app that shows the weather of any city.

LAN chat app

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An app that users on the same local area network can use to communicate.

Sorting Algorithm Visualiser

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An app that lets you visualise three types of sorting algorithms by sorting blocks in decreasing or increasing order of height.

NLP based deep learning project on Broadband reviews

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A streamlit app that classifies broadband reviews that were scraped off of the internet. The code responsible for the gathering and preprocessing of data and the training of the model is available in the jupyter notebooks.